It has been too many years since I’ve traveled to this blog.   But I still believe, with all my heart, that “All roads lead somewhere”.  The thing is, sometimes you are traveling on a road and you have no idea where it is going to lead. Other times, you know exactly where you are going.  


  Have you ever found yourself on a road with a destination all planned out, knowing exactly when you are going, when you will arrive and Bam!  You hit a detour or a roadblock!   Out of the blue, your planned trip is no longer the same as what you had intended.   The destination is the same, but the road changed, the scenery changed.  In fact, the whole dang trip has changed!   So what do you do?  You follow the detour signs and hope to get back on the road that you had started out on at the beginning of your trip.  But you know, the road changed and in changing it has become a new road.  Well...... that’s where I am in life.   When this blog started it was all about the travels and experiences that Paul and I had together and were to continue having together.  It changed.  Paul died.  I hit a roadblock.  I had to detour.  My road changed.   

For the last 7 years I have been traveling on different roads.  Sometimes following the signs and other times just wandering aimlessly.  Hoping to see a glimpse of the road I was traveling before.  Well, I have come to realize that the road I was traveling no longer exists.  It’s been demolished.  Torn down!  Wiped out!    It has taken me a while to realize that sometimes, just sometimes, you have to accept that the road you thought you would be on is completely gone and you have to find a new direction.   You long for the old road, the familiar road.  The road you know like the back of your hand.  You know in your heart and your head, you can not get back to that particular road.


In my belief that all roads lead somewhere, I am on a new road.  Maybe not physically traveling as much as I did in the past, but following a new road nonetheless.  I hope to pop on here every once in a while and leave a bit of ramblings, thoughts and stories.  So feel free to come in and peek at the new road I am traveling.  Hope to see you and as always….. the kettle is on and there are biscuits to be shared!


Oh, if you are so inclined…… one of my detours has led to a new road with an interesting destination



Thanks for stopping in.  


Just Jo


“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”     

C. S. Lewis



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