It has been too many years since I’ve traveled to this blog. But I still believe, with all my heart, that “All roads lead somewhere”. The thing is, sometimes you are traveling on a road and you have no idea where it is going to lead. Other times, you know exactly where you are going. Have you ever found yourself on a road with a destination all planned out, knowing exactly when you are going, when you will arrive and Bam! You hit a detour or a roadblock! Out of the blue, your planned trip is no longer the same as what you had intended. The destination is the same, but the road changed, the scenery changed. In fact, the whole dang trip has changed! So what do you do? You follow the detour signs and hope to get back on the road that you had started out on at the beginning of your trip. But you know, the road changed and in changing it has become a new road. Well...... that’s where I am in life. ...